“Might we once again find peace as we ponder what's behind the eyes of those we see—and even, within the mirror's reflection of who you need to love most.”
I don’t even know where to begin on this day’s post number two, other than to ask my own “Why.” To allow the transparency I have promised you. So today, I’m reaching out in free-flowing a sincere stream of thoughts. Starting what I hope becomes an endless dialogue. Even a conversation—that in a distanced and vicarious way—might allow you an active role as you comment and take part in the sharing opportunities I’ll soon be launching. For in it all, and as we each open our ears, eyes, and hearts, perhaps there is a synergy to be formed as the diverse people we are. Me, the 60-year-old white dude revealing his heart as a listener, moderator, and distiller—and you, a diverse community I have grown to love in titling the compassionate majority. People I call strangers-now-friends who, over the last decade and in the thousands, have proven a great number are ready to, in the words of Gration (Day 218) “Share More Open Hand Than Fist.”
From every generation, gender, race, and outlook, many have stepped forward to trust me—and to you, the audience of my blogs, podcasts, talks, and outreach, please accept my deep and genuine thank you. Because for me, I wish no grandeur. I feel it is more important to credit you as you live forward your example within the circle of your influence.
For over a decade, Sidewalk Ghosts and the Radstone Blog have engaged in topics and conversations far beyond myself. Narratives that have become impossible for me to cease (and God above knows I’ve tried). A confession to you in stating; I am ready to do my part to rekindle the fire we have let simmer far too long.
To those of you here for the first time, please accept my hand of acceptance in whoever and wherever you are. I welcome you into a community that transcends commonality and difference. A place where we can give and receive as we strive to find center in seeing each other with empathetic minds. For in the exchange of our hidden histories, our joys, our pains, and in allowing consideration toward others, is a power to progress as contributors to this world we share (toward those we agree with, and even with those we object to).
So on this day two of a no-ended commitment, I write this rather soap-boxy and poetic post. Opening to you more of who I am as I work to evolve how this blog can best serve you—admission to a beyond-myself effort. One in which I need your support to grow.
I know. A rather obtuse and poetic entry this is. But as you take it in, may I ask for your pause? For as we grow in this shared experience, I promise a tactile and visible throughline. If you will, an actionable message taught me over a lifetime of interactions with now numberless individuals—all who bravely and honestly opened their hearts and lives to us as they shared their experiences and perspectives. And, in gratitude to you who have trusted me with your stories, I hope you are reading this now. Thank you!
Yes, the Radstone Blog is re-emerging from the mothballs! And as we set sail, might we once again find peace as we ponder what’s behind the eyes of those we see—and even, within the mirror’s reflection of who you need to love most.
Talk tomorrow my good friends,
I was not around for the first version of the Radstone blog, but I am glad to be here for it’s 2.0 version now haha. Your entries read like a kind friend inviting me in for afternoon tea after a long day at work. Someone who will talk to me as a real person, with all the kindness and sincere curiosity one could have.