“I’d like to see the world become closer to being in unity. People loving each other, respecting all as one family. Back to the ways things used to be, helping each other, not that we have too, but because we want to.”

It’s been a while since I’ve given you an outlined day, and being mid-shoot on a two-day portrait project, and needing rest for tomorrow, I deem it appropriate to cut-to-the-chase. Here we go…
5:00am: Alarm Clock sounds, eyes brutally slam open.
5:15am: Beat buzzing digital wake-up device into snoozing submission as eyeballs tank me.
5:30am: Buzz resumes, snooze timed-out. Submit to morning and sense of responsibility, and focus vision.
6:00am: Exit shower, find missing sock, and prepare to attack the day.
6:00am to 6:30am: Physical training, camera equipment lunges in loading car for today’s shoot—we have to get our exercise, don’t we? My favorite… sandbag curls.
6:30am to 8:45am: Two hours, fifteen minutes, twenty-four miles of traffic hell (welcome to LA), stress to maintain composure, consume traveling breakfast, relinquish to fact that French bread crumbs can be a fashion statement if properly distributed over jacket, jeans and facial hair.
8:45am to 9:30am: Arrive at location, resume aerobic portion of physical training, the speed rush to get equipment to the fifth floor in setting up studio.
9:30am to 5:00pm: Great shoot day, meet tons of cool people, gain smile on face.
5:30pm to 6:45pm: (Fantasy Time Version)—365 walk of street in West Los Angeles, everyone loves me, talk to endless people, find innumerable opportunities to meet 365 friends.
5:30pm to 6:45pm: (What really happens)— Wander up-and-down six city blocks, high-end stores all around me. Even with my smile and hellos, not all engage with me, have several conversations, no takers, finally find Patrick, who is willing to interview. He tells me that at first glance he thought I was paparazzi. I should have figured that out when I passed The Ivy (for those of you who don’t know Los Angeles, The Ivy is a very exclusive restaurant, a real paparazzi target).
Patrick’s Council:
“Love everyone as you love yourself. Treat others as you want to be treated.” The Golden Rule… can never hear it enough.
Patrick’s View Of Mankind:
“The simple fact is that basic human nature is caring and kind to each other.”
Patrick’s Pet Peeve:
“Don’t litter, keep the planet clean, don’t trash our cities. It’s sad to walk around and see people littering. One day we will all be living in trash if we don’t do something about it now. That’s why my role model is Captain Planet.”
Makes me think of my interview with Bronwyn, Treat The Planet Right.
Patrick’s Wish For The Future:
“I’d like to see the world become closer to being in unity. People loving each other, respecting all as one family. Back to the ways things used to be, helping each other, not that we have too, but because we want to. That would be nice. Maybe even more barter and trade, with not so many people trying to get rich. I think about the veterans who have become homeless, or families that are struggling, we should help them. Stuff like that.”
6:45pm to 8:00pm: Commute home The drive is easier in the evening, saved an hour.
8:00pm to 10:00pm: Watch a Columbo re-run with family. I know, I’m such a cool dude.
10:00pm to 11:00pm: Write this entry and prepare photos.
11:00pm: Wrap, take, shoot, and time to watch one more Columbo before sleep. Hey, I told you I’m cool.