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Copyright 2023

Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

No images, videos, audio recordings, writings, or any other content may not be copied, downloaded, or transferred without written permission from Richard Radstone, Sidewalk Ghosts, and contributor.

Out on a Saturday road trip with my daughter, destination, Santa Barbara, land of healthy living and volleyball.

It’s a lovely drive and we drop off highway 101 just as sunset hits. My daughter has a plan… a sand crab hunt. Chasing the sun, we race down Cabrillo Boulevard and settle at the free parking by the volleyball courts.

She grabs her beach stuff and looks at me, “Dad… your camera bag.” Wow, at nine she has learned at an early age to push me with the fortitude of a seasoned producer.

She is right, 365 never takes a break, and even thought we are on family time, she makes this acutely aware to me, “It’s day ninety-nine, you’re almost at one hundred days Dad. Keep going!”

I accept and strap on my forty pounds of backpack for a soft sand workout. By the way, my shoulders, back and neck are starting to get buff. Who knows? Maybe I’m unintentionally developing the upper body exercise fad of the future: “Sand Backpacking?”

On the horizon are several groups of Volleyball games in various stages of play. We see one group that is wrapping up as the cold evening air begins to take its bite (as much as it can in sunny California).

We approach the group, and although they seem interested at first, when the question arises, “Can I photograph you?” they decline.

The beach is mostly empty, but there is one figure further down the coast, a man fishing, boat at side. Maybe he will be interested. If not, no worries. After all, it’s family time. So if he is out, I’ll find someone later.

The sun is touching the mountains now, and as we get closer to our unknown fisherman, he begins to push his boat into the water as he packs up for the day. Oh well, like I said, “I’ll find someone later.”

Here’s one more finding I’m accepting about 365. It really is directing me, and the more I submit to it, the more is drawn to me. And today proves this point.

The moment I acknowledge, not defeat, but acceptance in finding no new friend, a voice strikes me from behind, “Hey, we just finished or game, I have a few minutes before we leave, do you still want to interview me. The others don’t want to, but the project sounds very interesting and I’d like to contribute.”

Stepping up is the wonderfully energetic and fit Bronwyn. At first words, I really like this lady. There is a magic radiating from her and at first question I know why.

It’s cold!! And I want to be courteous to shivering Bronwyn, so without hesitation I go right to interview.

“What words of wisdom do you have for my readers?”

Even though it is tooth chattering cold, Bronwyn delivers a huge smile, “That’s easy… spend time outside!”

Bronwyn’s is magical. And here is my perception to the key of her magic; – she possesses a love for nature and the world around her. With this, it makes sense as to why she is so radiant; Bronwyn is in her element… the outdoors.

Healthy is an understatement in describing Bronwyn. I’m sure many of you have run on the beach. For those of you who have not, know that 100 yards can be a breath taker. In talking to Bronwyn, she is not at the least breathless, even after sprinting 200 yards to catch up with us.

It gets better. She tells me of her career, “Tomorrow I start a new job, so I’m getting in all the outdoor time I can find before I go to the office.” What of this career? How do you cage a graceful bird to a cubical existence?

The answer can be summed up in two words… passion and commitment. Bronwyn’s profession? Environmental Economist. The title is over my head, so we talk about it.

Many of our 365 friends have spoken of a better future for our children. A wonderful sentiment. One that challenges my every action, pushing me to reflect on the impact and consequences of the decisions I make.

“I’m tired of the little gestures.” Bronwyn states.

“If we are going to change, we have to do more, get involved, and educate ourselves. It is amazing how little knowledge our current people know about the environmental impact of industry and population.”

Bronwyn is not bagging on us, she even says, “I’ve been studying this stuff for years and I haven’t even touched the surface of it.”

What she is saying is this. In my words, “’Sure, it is a good thing to recycle our plastics. The positive impact of that alone is great. Yes, I realize we are all busy and can’t find time to know it all. Bronwyn even accepts this in stating, ‘I have been studying the environment for years, and there is no way I can know it all.’”

Here is what I propose, “We need to push a little harder in doing our part.”

Perhaps it’s in the form of an educated vote. Maybe it is a letter to a politician or corporate executive in lobbying for better reforms or initiatives. Or simply, an hour or two a week in Google or other search engines, education ourselves on things we can do in every day life to help the environment. Whatever it is, I suggest we lean it towards Bronwyn’s wishes for the future.

Those wishes, “I’d love to see a day when we are doing more good for the planet than harm.”

Bronwyn, I hear you about the little gestures, I’ll work to do better in understanding what I can do, and again ask you, my readers, to join me in this cause.

Bronwyn, today you have reached out to me in sharing what to you may seem a little gesture in joining 365. My hope is your message touches enough of us to become one large gesture for us all to chomp on. TREAT THE PLANET RIGHT.

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Mikalee Byerman
13 years ago

…and she has now reached out to many, many more through the power of Freshly Pressed — congrats to you both!


13 years ago

Great message in this post. Hopefully at least a few people pick it up as a new years resolution 🙂

13 years ago

I love this! Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

13 years ago

Can’t agree more…great post

Stan Roth
13 years ago

I wish everyone would do their part once in a while and stop taking this “gift” for granted. Keep up the good word, and pushing the message.

13 years ago

This whole blog is ace! 🙂

Constance V. Walden
13 years ago

The earth is the most beautiful natural place that God has created. Isaiah 45:18 of the Bible says:

“For this is what the LORD says— He who created the heavens, He is God; He who fashioned and made the earth, He founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— He says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other.”

Thanks for sharing. Connie

The Hook
13 years ago

Nothing compares to the smile of a pretty girl! Am I right, ot what?

13 years ago

I have always thought that taking care of resources is important. I love the beautiful spaces on the planet. I don’t want to see them go or destroyed. I have also noticed that governments are terrible at almost everything they do. Unless you want them to break, kill, or spend– they tend not to be very good at anything. I would love to see the enviornmental discussion begin to explore more ways change and stewardship can be accomplished without or in addition to governments. I know that regulations aren’t enough. At the end of the day that is the best (and you have to be pretty optimistic even then) you can hope for from a government. I am pretty sure everyone likes clean air and beautiful spaces (though obviously some have more of an appreciation for it than others). Change needs to not rely on the government. If it does it will most likely fail. It is a very daunting task but I would love to see more discussion on how people can affect change without (and sometimes in spite of) the government.

13 years ago

found you through Freshly Pressed! Wonderful!


13 years ago

Wonderful story and great message. She certainly reached people here on WP.


13 years ago

We all need to work a little harder at preserving our beautiful planet. Great post!

James Agee
James Agee
13 years ago

Really insightful post, great quality pictures too!

13 years ago

More people need to pick up after their pets around their city, downtowns and especially the public beaches…

Green Mama
13 years ago

right on target…love going green! Great post!

13 years ago

Wonderful 🙂 that was an inspiring read to start my day.

Luiz Fernando
13 years ago

…………..great !!!

Shaikh Saif
13 years ago

This post is inspirational for me 😀

Christine Bernasconi
13 years ago

what a fantastic article…I just stumbled upon it whilst signing into my wordpress account…merry xmas and keep up the good work…

13 years ago

Love the post and I agree about us all learning more about the planet and pushing further to sustain the beauty of the earth.

13 years ago

that’s nice,,keep it up

Bryan E Wilson
13 years ago

Really enjoyed your fresh observations and keen intellect.

13 years ago

eye opener


Great Post!…

Ajay R A
Ajay R A
13 years ago

good thought!!!

13 years ago

Imba post indeed

13 years ago

Love the spirit of this story. Keep up the good work. Happy Holidays!

13 years ago

healthy lifestyle is great and promising! Well done.
I am with my family lyublyuprogulki the woods, and even this year we went to Russia to Lake Baikal. It was great!

13 years ago

Very interesting conversation….just like a story.

13 years ago

Really great post and very exciting 365 project. Congratulations to freshly pressed! A great message from a great person. I wish more people would do something to help the planet, but maybe I should just do more as well…..!?

13 years ago

I too agree, great message in this post.

13 years ago

Wow, I really like what you are doing here, well done. I also think your photographs are fantastic too. Thanks for sharing.

Pixie Gaby
13 years ago

Love the post and the idea of your 365. Help the only planet we got is what we all should be doing!!

Purple Rose
13 years ago

Great message!!!! Have a nice day, bye bye

13 years ago

What can I do to help out? This is something I’m passionate about doing as well 🙂

Also, I absolutely loved everything you’ve written.

13 years ago

This is one of my re-posts for sure! I have been working from a different angle to help people increase their personal power on an energetic level, which in turn helps to create more awareness of how connected we are to eveything that exists. What we eat, what we use, what we THINK, how we FEEL all affect the health of our Earth and of everything that inhabits it.
A perfect choice for a year end feature on Freshly Pressed! Keep up the great work, both of you! And a big thanks to your family for joining in and supporting your efforts. The key to succes is anything is ASK! Look what a wonderful person and new perspective that gained you and us!
I hope you don’t mind (and I know you know) me re-blogging this! It fits so well with what I have been learning and teaching. Happy Holiday and The Best New Year to everyone! 🙂 AmberLena

13 years ago

Great post and photos! Your meeting was meant to be…just when you were ready to walk away, Bronwyn chases you down and delivers a special message for us all. I believe she will initiate big changes to our Earth!

13 years ago

What a lovely interview! I am guilty of only making the bare minimum of little gestures–and not even as many of those as I should–so this post is a great wake-up call for me to think about how I can change my relationship with the planet in the new year.

Sicily Home Holidays
13 years ago

…..What she is saying is this. In my words, “’Sure, it is a good thing to recycle our plastics, the positive impact of that alone is great. Yes, I realize we are all busy and can’t find time to know it all. Bronwyn even accepts this in stating, ‘I have been studying the environment for years, and there is no way I can know it all.’”…..

Great post, but recycle is not a solution at all! maybe reduce production and consume can be more effective. Think about it! I’m from sicily and everybodies here know that american people are those who consume more than all the others, and not only plastic!


Romantic Asian Guy
13 years ago

A great, positive message in your post. I LOVE nature and the calmness it brings me. There’s so much to enjoy out there…people just have to make time and step away from material wants in order to treasure abstract experience.

13 years ago

This is a beautiful piece, thank you for sharing!!

13 years ago

Such a positive message, thanks for sharing this!

Eva McCane
13 years ago

i commend you! i need to be better. thanks for the inspiration.

Thrift Shopping Buzz
13 years ago

I really like this post! Congrats on Freshly Pressed too.

What a nice upbeat message. Cheers!

13 years ago

A wonderful post. Thanks. Our relationship with nature nurtures us more than some of us can realise. Good luck with your project it is a wonderful idea and the energy you are putting into it is bound to help you.

13 years ago

Terrific! Inspiring! Motivating! Makes me smile 🙂

Your post/blog not only make me smile for the moment but, as all good things should, I now desire to join 365 in my own way. Thank you!

13 years ago

This is the most important thing she said: “spend time outside!”


[…] Radstone writes a blog that has inspired me. Richard writes of his world and his place in it with the people he loves and […]

13 years ago

The story I perceive is all about being RESPONSIBLE. We understand the connectedness or oneness of all things thus we should always be aware of what we are doing- are contributing positively or not? =)

13 years ago

I recycle and I love spending time outside. I did come across this article in the plastic rubbish floating about in the pacific. 100 million tons of it bigger than continental USA.
I can’t help but think humans are doing something wrong if something that size and weight had to be “discovered” floating around in the middle of the sea. What’s the matter with us? Your are right about educating ourselves. How can we let things like that happen?:) Thanks for the great posting


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“Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone else in the world.”


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Help Grow Sidewalk Ghosts Podcast at Patreon

Copyright 2023

Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

No images, videos, audio recordings, writings, or any other content may not be copied, downloaded, or transferred without written permission from Richard Radstone, Sidewalk Ghosts, and contributor.

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Mikalee Byerman
13 years ago

…and she has now reached out to many, many more through the power of Freshly Pressed — congrats to you both!


13 years ago

Great message in this post. Hopefully at least a few people pick it up as a new years resolution 🙂

13 years ago

I love this! Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

13 years ago

Can’t agree more…great post

Stan Roth
13 years ago

I wish everyone would do their part once in a while and stop taking this “gift” for granted. Keep up the good word, and pushing the message.

13 years ago

This whole blog is ace! 🙂

Constance V. Walden
13 years ago

The earth is the most beautiful natural place that God has created. Isaiah 45:18 of the Bible says:

“For this is what the LORD says— He who created the heavens, He is God; He who fashioned and made the earth, He founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— He says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other.”

Thanks for sharing. Connie

The Hook
13 years ago

Nothing compares to the smile of a pretty girl! Am I right, ot what?

13 years ago

I have always thought that taking care of resources is important. I love the beautiful spaces on the planet. I don’t want to see them go or destroyed. I have also noticed that governments are terrible at almost everything they do. Unless you want them to break, kill, or spend– they tend not to be very good at anything. I would love to see the enviornmental discussion begin to explore more ways change and stewardship can be accomplished without or in addition to governments. I know that regulations aren’t enough. At the end of the day that is the best (and you have to be pretty optimistic even then) you can hope for from a government. I am pretty sure everyone likes clean air and beautiful spaces (though obviously some have more of an appreciation for it than others). Change needs to not rely on the government. If it does it will most likely fail. It is a very daunting task but I would love to see more discussion on how people can affect change without (and sometimes in spite of) the government.

13 years ago

found you through Freshly Pressed! Wonderful!


13 years ago

Wonderful story and great message. She certainly reached people here on WP.


13 years ago

We all need to work a little harder at preserving our beautiful planet. Great post!

James Agee
James Agee
13 years ago

Really insightful post, great quality pictures too!

13 years ago

More people need to pick up after their pets around their city, downtowns and especially the public beaches…

Green Mama
13 years ago

right on target…love going green! Great post!

13 years ago

Wonderful 🙂 that was an inspiring read to start my day.

Luiz Fernando
13 years ago

…………..great !!!

Shaikh Saif
13 years ago

This post is inspirational for me 😀

Christine Bernasconi
13 years ago

what a fantastic article…I just stumbled upon it whilst signing into my wordpress account…merry xmas and keep up the good work…

13 years ago

Love the post and I agree about us all learning more about the planet and pushing further to sustain the beauty of the earth.

13 years ago

that’s nice,,keep it up

Bryan E Wilson
13 years ago

Really enjoyed your fresh observations and keen intellect.

13 years ago

eye opener


Great Post!…

Ajay R A
Ajay R A
13 years ago

good thought!!!

13 years ago

Imba post indeed

13 years ago

Love the spirit of this story. Keep up the good work. Happy Holidays!

13 years ago

healthy lifestyle is great and promising! Well done.
I am with my family lyublyuprogulki the woods, and even this year we went to Russia to Lake Baikal. It was great!

13 years ago

Very interesting conversation….just like a story.

13 years ago

Really great post and very exciting 365 project. Congratulations to freshly pressed! A great message from a great person. I wish more people would do something to help the planet, but maybe I should just do more as well…..!?

13 years ago

I too agree, great message in this post.

13 years ago

Wow, I really like what you are doing here, well done. I also think your photographs are fantastic too. Thanks for sharing.

Pixie Gaby
13 years ago

Love the post and the idea of your 365. Help the only planet we got is what we all should be doing!!

Purple Rose
13 years ago

Great message!!!! Have a nice day, bye bye

13 years ago

What can I do to help out? This is something I’m passionate about doing as well 🙂

Also, I absolutely loved everything you’ve written.

13 years ago

This is one of my re-posts for sure! I have been working from a different angle to help people increase their personal power on an energetic level, which in turn helps to create more awareness of how connected we are to eveything that exists. What we eat, what we use, what we THINK, how we FEEL all affect the health of our Earth and of everything that inhabits it.
A perfect choice for a year end feature on Freshly Pressed! Keep up the great work, both of you! And a big thanks to your family for joining in and supporting your efforts. The key to succes is anything is ASK! Look what a wonderful person and new perspective that gained you and us!
I hope you don’t mind (and I know you know) me re-blogging this! It fits so well with what I have been learning and teaching. Happy Holiday and The Best New Year to everyone! 🙂 AmberLena

13 years ago

Great post and photos! Your meeting was meant to be…just when you were ready to walk away, Bronwyn chases you down and delivers a special message for us all. I believe she will initiate big changes to our Earth!

13 years ago

What a lovely interview! I am guilty of only making the bare minimum of little gestures–and not even as many of those as I should–so this post is a great wake-up call for me to think about how I can change my relationship with the planet in the new year.

Sicily Home Holidays
13 years ago

…..What she is saying is this. In my words, “’Sure, it is a good thing to recycle our plastics, the positive impact of that alone is great. Yes, I realize we are all busy and can’t find time to know it all. Bronwyn even accepts this in stating, ‘I have been studying the environment for years, and there is no way I can know it all.’”…..

Great post, but recycle is not a solution at all! maybe reduce production and consume can be more effective. Think about it! I’m from sicily and everybodies here know that american people are those who consume more than all the others, and not only plastic!


Romantic Asian Guy
13 years ago

A great, positive message in your post. I LOVE nature and the calmness it brings me. There’s so much to enjoy out there…people just have to make time and step away from material wants in order to treasure abstract experience.

13 years ago

This is a beautiful piece, thank you for sharing!!

13 years ago

Such a positive message, thanks for sharing this!

Eva McCane
13 years ago

i commend you! i need to be better. thanks for the inspiration.

Thrift Shopping Buzz
13 years ago

I really like this post! Congrats on Freshly Pressed too.

What a nice upbeat message. Cheers!

13 years ago

A wonderful post. Thanks. Our relationship with nature nurtures us more than some of us can realise. Good luck with your project it is a wonderful idea and the energy you are putting into it is bound to help you.

13 years ago

Terrific! Inspiring! Motivating! Makes me smile 🙂

Your post/blog not only make me smile for the moment but, as all good things should, I now desire to join 365 in my own way. Thank you!

13 years ago

This is the most important thing she said: “spend time outside!”


[…] Radstone writes a blog that has inspired me. Richard writes of his world and his place in it with the people he loves and […]

13 years ago

The story I perceive is all about being RESPONSIBLE. We understand the connectedness or oneness of all things thus we should always be aware of what we are doing- are contributing positively or not? =)

13 years ago

I recycle and I love spending time outside. I did come across this article in the plastic rubbish floating about in the pacific. 100 million tons of it bigger than continental USA.
I can’t help but think humans are doing something wrong if something that size and weight had to be “discovered” floating around in the middle of the sea. What’s the matter with us? Your are right about educating ourselves. How can we let things like that happen?:) Thanks for the great posting



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Mikalee Byerman
13 years ago

…and she has now reached out to many, many more through the power of Freshly Pressed — congrats to you both!


13 years ago

Great message in this post. Hopefully at least a few people pick it up as a new years resolution 🙂

13 years ago

I love this! Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

13 years ago

Can’t agree more…great post

Stan Roth
13 years ago

I wish everyone would do their part once in a while and stop taking this “gift” for granted. Keep up the good word, and pushing the message.

13 years ago

This whole blog is ace! 🙂

Constance V. Walden
13 years ago

The earth is the most beautiful natural place that God has created. Isaiah 45:18 of the Bible says:

“For this is what the LORD says— He who created the heavens, He is God; He who fashioned and made the earth, He founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— He says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other.”

Thanks for sharing. Connie

The Hook
13 years ago

Nothing compares to the smile of a pretty girl! Am I right, ot what?

13 years ago

I have always thought that taking care of resources is important. I love the beautiful spaces on the planet. I don’t want to see them go or destroyed. I have also noticed that governments are terrible at almost everything they do. Unless you want them to break, kill, or spend– they tend not to be very good at anything. I would love to see the enviornmental discussion begin to explore more ways change and stewardship can be accomplished without or in addition to governments. I know that regulations aren’t enough. At the end of the day that is the best (and you have to be pretty optimistic even then) you can hope for from a government. I am pretty sure everyone likes clean air and beautiful spaces (though obviously some have more of an appreciation for it than others). Change needs to not rely on the government. If it does it will most likely fail. It is a very daunting task but I would love to see more discussion on how people can affect change without (and sometimes in spite of) the government.

13 years ago

found you through Freshly Pressed! Wonderful!


13 years ago

Wonderful story and great message. She certainly reached people here on WP.


13 years ago

We all need to work a little harder at preserving our beautiful planet. Great post!

James Agee
James Agee
13 years ago

Really insightful post, great quality pictures too!

13 years ago

More people need to pick up after their pets around their city, downtowns and especially the public beaches…

Green Mama
13 years ago

right on target…love going green! Great post!

13 years ago

Wonderful 🙂 that was an inspiring read to start my day.

Luiz Fernando
13 years ago

…………..great !!!

Shaikh Saif
13 years ago

This post is inspirational for me 😀

Christine Bernasconi
13 years ago

what a fantastic article…I just stumbled upon it whilst signing into my wordpress account…merry xmas and keep up the good work…

13 years ago

Love the post and I agree about us all learning more about the planet and pushing further to sustain the beauty of the earth.

13 years ago

that’s nice,,keep it up

Bryan E Wilson
13 years ago

Really enjoyed your fresh observations and keen intellect.

13 years ago

eye opener


Great Post!…

Ajay R A
Ajay R A
13 years ago

good thought!!!

13 years ago

Imba post indeed

13 years ago

Love the spirit of this story. Keep up the good work. Happy Holidays!

13 years ago

healthy lifestyle is great and promising! Well done.
I am with my family lyublyuprogulki the woods, and even this year we went to Russia to Lake Baikal. It was great!

13 years ago

Very interesting conversation….just like a story.

13 years ago

Really great post and very exciting 365 project. Congratulations to freshly pressed! A great message from a great person. I wish more people would do something to help the planet, but maybe I should just do more as well…..!?

13 years ago

I too agree, great message in this post.

13 years ago

Wow, I really like what you are doing here, well done. I also think your photographs are fantastic too. Thanks for sharing.

Pixie Gaby
13 years ago

Love the post and the idea of your 365. Help the only planet we got is what we all should be doing!!

Purple Rose
13 years ago

Great message!!!! Have a nice day, bye bye

13 years ago

What can I do to help out? This is something I’m passionate about doing as well 🙂

Also, I absolutely loved everything you’ve written.

13 years ago

This is one of my re-posts for sure! I have been working from a different angle to help people increase their personal power on an energetic level, which in turn helps to create more awareness of how connected we are to eveything that exists. What we eat, what we use, what we THINK, how we FEEL all affect the health of our Earth and of everything that inhabits it.
A perfect choice for a year end feature on Freshly Pressed! Keep up the great work, both of you! And a big thanks to your family for joining in and supporting your efforts. The key to succes is anything is ASK! Look what a wonderful person and new perspective that gained you and us!
I hope you don’t mind (and I know you know) me re-blogging this! It fits so well with what I have been learning and teaching. Happy Holiday and The Best New Year to everyone! 🙂 AmberLena

13 years ago

Great post and photos! Your meeting was meant to be…just when you were ready to walk away, Bronwyn chases you down and delivers a special message for us all. I believe she will initiate big changes to our Earth!

13 years ago

What a lovely interview! I am guilty of only making the bare minimum of little gestures–and not even as many of those as I should–so this post is a great wake-up call for me to think about how I can change my relationship with the planet in the new year.

Sicily Home Holidays
13 years ago

…..What she is saying is this. In my words, “’Sure, it is a good thing to recycle our plastics, the positive impact of that alone is great. Yes, I realize we are all busy and can’t find time to know it all. Bronwyn even accepts this in stating, ‘I have been studying the environment for years, and there is no way I can know it all.’”…..

Great post, but recycle is not a solution at all! maybe reduce production and consume can be more effective. Think about it! I’m from sicily and everybodies here know that american people are those who consume more than all the others, and not only plastic!


Romantic Asian Guy
13 years ago

A great, positive message in your post. I LOVE nature and the calmness it brings me. There’s so much to enjoy out there…people just have to make time and step away from material wants in order to treasure abstract experience.

13 years ago

This is a beautiful piece, thank you for sharing!!

13 years ago

Such a positive message, thanks for sharing this!

Eva McCane
13 years ago

i commend you! i need to be better. thanks for the inspiration.

Thrift Shopping Buzz
13 years ago

I really like this post! Congrats on Freshly Pressed too.

What a nice upbeat message. Cheers!

13 years ago

A wonderful post. Thanks. Our relationship with nature nurtures us more than some of us can realise. Good luck with your project it is a wonderful idea and the energy you are putting into it is bound to help you.

13 years ago

Terrific! Inspiring! Motivating! Makes me smile 🙂

Your post/blog not only make me smile for the moment but, as all good things should, I now desire to join 365 in my own way. Thank you!

13 years ago

This is the most important thing she said: “spend time outside!”


[…] Radstone writes a blog that has inspired me. Richard writes of his world and his place in it with the people he loves and […]

13 years ago

The story I perceive is all about being RESPONSIBLE. We understand the connectedness or oneness of all things thus we should always be aware of what we are doing- are contributing positively or not? =)

13 years ago

I recycle and I love spending time outside. I did come across this article in the plastic rubbish floating about in the pacific. 100 million tons of it bigger than continental USA.
I can’t help but think humans are doing something wrong if something that size and weight had to be “discovered” floating around in the middle of the sea. What’s the matter with us? Your are right about educating ourselves. How can we let things like that happen?:) Thanks for the great posting


Follow on Instagram

©2023 Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

No images, videos, audio recordings, writings, or any other content may not be copied, downloaded, or transferred without written permission from Richard Radstone, Sidewalk Ghosts, and contributor.

“Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone else in the world.”

“Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone else in the world.”

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