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Copyright 2023

Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

No images, videos, audio recordings, writings, or any other content may not be copied, downloaded, or transferred without written permission from Richard Radstone, Sidewalk Ghosts, and contributor.

I’m standing in the middle of a field under the artificial light of incandescent floods. To the left of me is a gathering of soccer kids, their parents and coach, all deep in practice ending chatter. Ahead of me are two female teenagers in the middle of some type of gymnastic exercise, and to the right of me are three gentlemen engaged in a round of somewhat aggressive Cricket.

Why I am here? I don’t fully know, other than the residue of a strong impression that hit me only minutes ago. One that absolutely directed me to stop here this evening.

Still, my thoughts are wavering as to exactly why my brains GPS kicked into overload as it places me in the center of this grassy open space, especially after already receiving one very kind, “not tonight for an interview, but we will follow you” response I just received from a friendly couple upon my arrival.

So here I stand, feeling very vulnerable in sticking out like the strange stalker at a park family night.

But like I mentioned, for some higher reason, I am here. A feeling that my gut tells me, and even though I feel a reserved caution in the back of my voice box, I approach my not known Cricketing neighbors in telling them of 365.

They accept the offer, and I am instantly ingratiated to be part of a team like meeting between sporting buddies. The time is heartfelt and new friends I have made. But, even with the meeting of these three fine gentlemen, all of which have invited me to join them in play on some other night, I feel as if I have not found the full reason I am here; a reason that is found in my departing from said field in route back to my car. But before I get to that, let me share with you the words of tonight’s friends:


For the present:
“Be honest, because there is a lot of violence and criminal activity going on all over the world… in every country in the world we see people are killing each other, terrorism, it is really not good… we should really start thinking about establishing peace. You never know what is going to happen tomorrow… so people need to be more conscious about it, and be honest in all things… their jobs, their families and all that they do.”

For the future:
“Technology is going to take over… every day people are inventing different new technologies, and in the future people will be doing lesser and lesser jobs. It will be a world run by technology in the next one hundred years.”

“Is that a good thing?” I ask.

“I think in some points it is… but not totally, because people will start getting lazy and begin to rely on non-human things. They will start depending on the technology and maybe one day it will not work out.”


For the present:
“The first important thing is how we look at each other economically. If there is, like, a different world economy… then I don’t think there would be any wars… or something like that. But since there is class difference between the rich and poor people, that’s why there is fighting and violence.

We have help the poor people, and make the United Nations find better solutions and organize more and more. To go out to the villages in the countries… like myself, being from Nepal. We should help those people so that they can do good. We should give them an education so they have a chance to come up and provide for themselves, that they can have a chance.”

For the future:
“Like Kiran said, the technology is growing more and more every day, so maybe we will depend too much on technology. Not like before, we have to do things for ourselves. We are going to be more and more dependent on machines.”

Once again, I ask, “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“I’d say it is a bad thing. We wouldn’t be moving our bodies, we would lean more on technology.

When we were kids, we didn’t even see a computer… we spent our time running, playing soccer or something else. And right now… kids are staying in their rooms, playing video games, on the computers, watching movies. They won’t get a chance to think higher.”


For the present:
“The people have to turn back to God.”

For the future:
“I believe this world will not go more than thirty years. I believe that Jesus will come back… and after that, the world will be chaos. Almost all the signs have almost been fulfilled… we are in the end days.”

“Should we be frightened?” I inquire.

“No, not frightened… If we believe, we do not have to be frightened.”

My time with Kiran, Sanjaya and Binu has been well-spent, all exceptional human beings, all polite and accepting in sharing their wealth of wisdom. Men who I look forward to sharing future rounds or Cricket with, but as I telegraphed above, even in meeting them, I know there is another group of people I am meant to meet. And meet them I do as a stroll the sidewalk in route back to the parking lot.

I spent a bit of time talking with these new friends, and for the integrity of 365, as well as respecting the energy spent with Kiran, Sanjaya and Binu, we mutually agree to meet tomorrow evening… same place… same time…

…However, I’ll give you this; they are an exception family with a wonderful spirit. To quote them, “You could not have approached us at a more perfect time.”

In meeting them, the Look, Listen, and Hear challenge of yesterday manifest itself as if in three-dimensional color; for the invisible bond that drew me to approach this fine family, pulled us together in a united perspective of trust and respect. A pull that is too strong to overlook. I invite them to participate in 365.

They accept, and with it, I know that I am in the right place… at the right time.

Come back tomorrow for the full story.

Be well my friends, talk tomorrow!

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Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

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©2023 Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

No images, videos, audio recordings, writings, or any other content may not be copied, downloaded, or transferred without written permission from Richard Radstone, Sidewalk Ghosts, and contributor.

“Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone else in the world.”

“Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone else in the world.”

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