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Copyright 2023

Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

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The Cobalt Café (Day 231) sucks me in again, today meeting Atom the doorman.

I catch him as the evening starts, and between lines of youth, and some parents, who entering to be part of the music fest; Atom and I grab a few words.

Atom has one general wish; “I’d like to have more harmony in the world. That people would figure out that we are all here for a purpose… besides bickering back and forth over nations and stuff like that. There is a higher purpose for us all… to bring something more significant into our lives.

We need to meet and greet our fellow persons before we try to defeat them. And, to do what we can to keep the world going, because it falls in our hands next.

We’re being too proud of ourselves.

I’m hoping that this big 2012 thing will not be a cataclysm, and that it will be a reaching of the next threshold of mankind. We need to get to some level that is spiritual, and from there, a lot of doors will be opened. Understand that sometimes things that are written concrete can be totally rewritten.

In the past we have been at thresholds before, and something happened, where a big cataclysm occurred and things changed.

It’s kind of scary to think about, but we can personally be part of making order in the world… just look in the mirror… and fellowship each other… and pass it all down for the next generation. Like history has proven, there are all sorts of things that we take for granted.

It’s a big world… I was born in 77… I had my adversity as I was growing up, but I can look at it now… and from it, I just want the world to come together. I want to be able to see my Nieces and Nephews and stuff like that. And, I just want the world to be a better place for them. We are part of passing it on for the next time around.”

“How do we accomplish this change of heart?” I inquire.

The Atom(ic) man answers, “Instead of being so damn sure of stuff… pause to take a collective approach to things; even if you have to strain to do it in your mind first. And then, have the strength to make a good collective aspect out of what you are going for.”

There is nothing frighteningly nuclear about Atom. If fission is at the core of his DNA, it is not reacting itself into a devastating explosion. The physics of Atom’s chemistry is much more spiritual than colliding electrons and protons. It is far from scientific and yields no radioactive payload. The warhead that Atom carries is much more sublime and originates in the logical lobes of his brain. And as we all grow closer to our detonation points of the emotional, spiritual and social bombs that we each carry, Atom has turned the key as readies us to press the red button. A button that instead of incinerating us all, introduces hallways to a unified consciousness.

He says, “I’m hoping that this big 2012 thing will not be a cataclysm, and that it will be a reaching of the next threshold of mankind. We need to get to some level that is spiritual, and from there, a lot of doors will be opened. Understand that sometimes things that are written concrete can be totally rewritten.”

Feels like its time to start sharpening our pencils… we have writing to do.

Talk tomorrow my friends.

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Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

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©2023 Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

No images, videos, audio recordings, writings, or any other content may not be copied, downloaded, or transferred without written permission from Richard Radstone, Sidewalk Ghosts, and contributor.

“Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone else in the world.”

“Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone else in the world.”

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