Susan Looks at the world, “If everyone had more of an understanding of other people. And not just trying to thrash them on their beliefs, but just understanding that we are different; and if they accepted those differences, we would all get along so much better.”
I meet Susan on a bike outing with my daughter. If you’ve been with me for a while in 365, you’ve probably noticed that I do a lot with my kid. And I have to tell you; it’s been very interesting to see how the 365 project is influencing her. For a young child, she has developed quite an accepting outlook towards people. Something that I do not take full credit for, and something that I am careful to not overly exploit. The sole reason I am sharing this is to challenge us parents.
We all know that our kids model our behavior. Thus I have to recognize that as 365 changes me, it is also changing my family; a change that I hope is for the positive in teaching us that we are not all that different in the core of our hearts. I feel this more than that of a project analysis, but as fact in my heart. And with it, it is apparent that kid is picking up on it.
A fact that is unfolded not by my ranting’s or assumed through a closed mind, but by the continuous message of dreamed community stated by so many of our 365 contributors. Close to one thousand people I have spoken with since the inception of 365. And in publishing this statistic, numbers that include numerous rejections. I am uplifted to quantify the greater majority of those that I have approached promote a unanimous wish for a unified society of human.
A society that is not based on standardized practices, global unification of faith, politics or institution of any social standards. But a world that is accepting of diversity. A people who embrace the good in each other in trying to look beyond skin color or circumstance.

Susan suggests a first step; “Take things slow and enjoy life while you can. It only happens once and do not worry too much about material things. Try to treat everyone as your friends instead of your enemy. And to try to understand other people and where they come from.”
I’ll not sugar coat the issues. Life is difficult. There is poverty, crime, corruption, greed and horrible suppression all over the globe. Some innocent people go hungry while the abusers get fat off the land. And you may ask, “So Richard, how can you stand as an optimist?”
Bottom line, I have to. For as Susan brings to our attention: “Life only happens once,” a premise that is shared by most religions in some form. From reincarnation to eternal progression, it is a common through-line to human belief. The notion that we continue forward in one way or another is a globally established. And in it, we are left with two basic questions: What do we do with said life? And, What do we want to take with us as we progress towards whatever aligns with our beliefs of what is to come?
Susan already answered, “Do not worry too much about material things. Try to treat everyone as your friends instead of your enemy. And to try to understand other people and where they come from.”
Susan adds to her point. “Deep down I think everyone wants to have peace in the world. That would be very lovely, but not that easy.
I’m hoping that in short-term that everyone does follow what they are saying and the wisdom they hope that everyone has. It would be very nice if the world could be in a better place as soon as possible, but realistically… It will probably take a long time.”
“What do you think first steps would be?” I ask Susan.
She response, “Just for everyone to really do what they preach and have that understanding in the back of their heads; and, to not be so controlled by materialistic things or the desire to have more power than someone else.
Well said Susan, and thanks for trusting us with your thoughts.