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Copyright 2023

Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

No images, videos, audio recordings, writings, or any other content may not be copied, downloaded, or transferred without written permission from Richard Radstone, Sidewalk Ghosts, and contributor.

“’You can interview me but I want to remain anonymous, just call me ‘The Student of Paz (peace).’” And in respect to my new found friend, we’ll honor his wishes in calling him “The Student” from here on.

Outside Casey’s Tavern we meet and united we stand for thirty-minutes of meaningful conversation.

Until tonight, The Student was an unknown shadow in the streets, and after approaching him as he took a breath of fresh air walk from the tavern, I am happy to say that The Student is no longer a stranger to me.

It matters not that I do not know a first or given name, what matters is that I have met another valuable human being… and a man who has something of worth to share with us all.

The Student and I warm up in giving up a little history about ourselves: Two diversely different people, both of whom have had their own unique upbringing, life experiences and earned opinions. But two people who, non-the-less, find a link to each other. That link… “Humility.”

The Student presents the topic well, “Modern man thinks he is wide-awake, with his third eye open and wise to the world. But the wiser he thinks he is, the more insane he looks in the mirror of reason.”

I’m telling you, with this statement I am evoked to thought– The Student is now the teacher. And with his spontaneous blast of improvisation, he has elevated my mind in feeling as if I have just been part in witnessing a bizarre street revelation.

“The wiser he thinks he is, the more insane he looks in the mirror of reason.”

Reason being the key, The Student opens the doors to the next level, “It’s all about self-reflection… you have to know yourself… and not be an asshole.”

I’m inspired, yet a smile still comes to my face as I share a gut laugh with The Student in his choice of asshole as a descriptor.

“Dude, your word is perfect!” I chuckle as I inform him of how prevalent asshole has been in many of my interviews over the last few weeks.

Readers, I don’t make this stuff up, it just happens, and for what ever reason, 365 has an ebbing and flowing life of it’s own. Its been quiet an experience following it and I am convinced it still has a lot in store for us.

And although the asshole label can sound a little derogatory, it holds a beautiful meaning this evening. The Student elaborates, “We have to respect each other… but also need to learn to be a good judge of character…

…To not tiptoe through the tulips; but to watch out for the landmines.

I came from a big family. Grew up with a lot of kids around me. I saw a lot of mistakes as well as made a few of my own. I learned from what I saw and did.

What is important is that we have to use common sense… and be wary to take caution. Like my mom used to say, ‘Wear your sweater!’”

The Student makes a prediction, “If things keep up the way they are going… we are going to eventually become so numb. Especially if we listen to our politicians… they are like car salesmen, trying to sell the dream.

Jim Jones did that with Jonestown and created his blind following. Look what happened to his followers.

“People have to come together and learn to trust who is trustworthy, but in living we have to be wary.” The Student submits.

The debate has risen.Do we tiptoe through the tulips of life, burying our heads in the sands of denial, judgment or isolation; or do we reach out with trust. And as we do, do we allow ourselves to be aware of what is going on in the world?

Perhaps the landmines are self-inflicted, perhaps not. But in the end… can we look into the mirror and see a reflection we like, or better yet… love?

“Modern man thinks he is wide-awake, with his third eye open and wise. But the wiser he thinks he is, the more insane he looks in the mirror of reason.” The Student testifies.

And tonight, on this dimly lit sidewalk, I have taken part in a discussion of epic proportion. A conference of humility, awareness and of commitment.

It matters not that The Student and I have conducted our mini summit in the most unlikely of places. Humanity is in the heart. It cannot be built into the walls of a church, or poured into the foundation of a town hall. Nor can it be worn as a garment or sold as a commodity. It can only be earned through time and soft heartedness. It is the peace that opens our eyes in the morning, and the music that rocks us to sleep at night.

As mentioned by The Student, “It’s all about self-reflection… you have to know yourself.”

Self-reflection, even soulful self-reflection, then becomes the motivator to leading us on a course of greater reason.

Shall we never forget, “We are all in this thing together!”

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Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

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©2023 Richard Radstone / Sidewalk Ghosts

No images, videos, audio recordings, writings, or any other content may not be copied, downloaded, or transferred without written permission from Richard Radstone, Sidewalk Ghosts, and contributor.

“Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone else in the world.”

“Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone else in the world.”

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