My story as a photographer and artist began in the early 80s, when I opened my first studio in Las Vegas, Nevada—a mod little space constructed from the remains of a 3000-square foot citrus warehouse. I was in my mid-twenties, young, evolving, and thirsty to make my mark. Bright and dark memories that, to this day, are subtext to the perspectives grounding the regard I place on the worth of others, humanity, and artistic integrity.
In my thirties, I faced a creative, spiritual, and emotional “Do-or-Die,” and driven by a hunger for personal growth and culture, I shut down my Las Vegas shop to travel the cities of Europe—lived a vagabond life as I exchanged security and predictability to experience risk, history, culture, and people. A character and spirit-forming trek that, in the end, left me homeless and stripped to the most simple lifestyle and reflections of myself. Yet, under it all, a great blessing was gifted to me—the birth of my cultural outlook, spiritual self, and storytelling curiosity.
Ultimately, I settled in the United States—the home of my current chapter, and base camp for my endless desire to share whatever I can to build trusting relationships, capture stories, and create emotional works that reflect the depth of our human experience, footprint, and impact.